Eastwood Schools Clean Air Solution: GPS
2020 has given rise to many new ways to keep our students safe from the Pandemic. One of the most important ways we can help to keep people healthy is to clean the air. The Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) system has been a clean air solution for years offering the great benefit of the ionization treatment that cleans the air of mold, virus, and bacteria.
The summer of 2020 left everyone reeling on what to do in schools to keep students, teachers and staff safe from COVID. Every aspect of keeping our environment clean is under review especially our indoor air quality.
The challenge is to maintain an indoor air quality that inactivates pathogens so that the children and teachers have a safer environment during the pandemic and beyond.
Campbell, Inc., was able to answer the challenge by installing an ionization treatment system. This incredible system uses positive and negative ions to form Hydroxyls (creating larger molecules) that rob the pathogen of the hydrogen necessary for survival. This imposition of charged ions inactivates the mold spores, virus or bacteria and keeps your interior air clean.
The Resulting Indoor Air is 99% Pathogen Free!*
The school community feels better about attending their school knowing the school is proactively decreasing the risks of COVID while increasing the overall air quality. This system will work now and for years to come, creating superior indoor air quality for the school.
*Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) uses multiple data points to formulate performance validation statements. GPS technology is used in a wide range of applications across diverse environmental conditions. Since locations will vary, clients should evaluate their individual application and environmental conditions when making an assessment regarding the technology’s potential benefits. https://globalplasmasolutions.com/disclaimers/